Physical Health

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The Importance of Physical Health

Although prostate cancer is the second leadina cause of cancer death land 11% of all male cancer deaths) in the United States, the most common cause of death among men is stil cardiovascular, or heart, disease. This means that even if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, your physical health is still of utmost importance. Physical activity decreases your cardiovascular risk factors and improves your overall physical health.

A Patient’s Journey: Physical Health

A Patient’s Journey: Physical Health

Nurse Practitioner Spotlight: Lauren Engle, NP

Lauren Engel, NP on Physical Health

Bone Health & Prostate Cancer

For those with newly diagnosed or advanced prostate cancer, considerations like the aggressiveness of the disease. treatment options, and side effects are important but bone health is also crucial. especiallv if the cancer has spread to the bones. Prostate cancer can weaken bones and increase the risk of fractures and treatments like ADT. steroids. and chemotherapv can a so cause bone health problems.

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Bone Health

A Patient's Journey: Bone Health